Travel Advisory: The complexity of the Caribbean island’s beauty and safety list:


Flying above the beautiful sandy beaches and blue waters.

Every year, different travel and marketing magazines and companies issue a list of the most amazing and safest destinations to visit:

I recently discovered Off Path’s travel list, which featured some of the safest Caribbean destinations to visit: Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent, and the Grenadines.

The United States State Department warned of a surge in crime in Jamaica and the Bahamas in January 2024, reporting burglaries, armed robberies, and sexual assaults in both tourist and non-tourist areas. Short-term vacation rentals are especially problematic without adequate security.

These two islands, which are on the warning list, have gained immense popularity over time and have become renowned brands in the region. 

These islands are truly remarkable for vacationers, with stunning beaches and a reputation as a popular tourist destination.

They have also generated a wide array of highly regarded individuals from these islands.

Following the release of the cautionary notice, I engaged in conversations with a handful of individuals who appeared unaffected by the report and well-informed about the crime concerns.

R.D. The Bahamas

Opinions on the situation have varied, possibly due to personal or local connections to the events that led to the warning.

The locals have their own ongoing alternative list for several reasons:


The Bahamas

The competitiveness of these island have been around for decades. People often argue about which island is safest, prettiest, cleanest or best kept on these beaches. These debates are endless, like waves smashing on the coast.

Residents understand that their presence in the highly competitive tourism industry depends on their reputation, despite the constant advertisements on television and social media. They function as a brand, and only loyalty will ensure long-term sustainability.

Ratings vary throughout the island and some people may grade it from worry about the financial or political system, while others may endure long ATM or bank withdrawal delays.

In some cases, a visitor may have a total rating after difficulties having to navigate a complicated healthcare system to get medical care. Some people just accept these kinds of situations and move on.

Some people may recommend non-listed venues based on one-time positive experiences or other criteria.

Perception and reality can sometimes clash. Of course, there are those who visit these islands, whether it’s just for a few hours from a cruise ship or another location, and have to step outside, even in the tourist-protected zone.

I’ve heard about a variety of experiences on these islands. Sometimes, all it takes is one individual approaching aggressively, asking for money, or trying to rob a tourist.

There are additional family stories that could have contributed to the inclusion of these two islands on the warning list.

There are victims cases are closed or documented as “we’re working on it,” or funeral attendees may still hold a different perspective. This is because there are still families seeking answers, regardless of where they are located.

Observing the vital sand from a historical perspective.

Many islands have achieved independence, but according to experts, they have also become more reliant. It is worth considering why this is the case.

It should come as no surprise that many safer islands have close relationships to their former colonizers. Are they doing better socioeconomically because the colonial relationship continues?

Similar to Jamaica and The Bahamas, these islands have a rich historical background intertwined with the slave trade. They have left a significant mark on history and are renowned for their warm hospitality and breathtaking landscapes.

Many locals express concern about the evolving landscape in their area. While the beaches remain beautiful, there is a growing trend of privatization, leading to a decrease in public access.

The intricacy of these island shores goes beyond a mere checklist of safety measures. This is the space where scholars can engage in debates about the impacts of colonialism, societal transformation, effective governance, the state of education, economic disparities, social mobility, and the beneficiaries of post-independence.

Nevertheless, it is crucial to consider travel advice, just like reviews for restaurants, cars, electronics, and hotel reservations.

Multiple reports suggest that Jamaica and the Bahamas have not witnessed a significant decrease in tourist arrivals following the release of the report.

Paper, score lists, and photos hide continuous issues.

Photo by Tutti Martin

Today, many people are debating whether to reintroduce a colonial system that may limit liberties or to propose reparations for generations impacted by colonialism in order to bring about positive change.

Regardless of one’s viewpoint, even if particular islands did not make Santa’s pleasant list, there are still ongoing challenges, even for some of the ones who made the good list.

Dealing with socio-economic problems has been a major undertaking since achieving freedom.

These include addressing criminal activity, mental health issues, substance abuse, gender bias, violence (particularly against women), a deteriorating educational system, insufficient leadership to lift people out of poverty, and a persistent conflict between political factions on some of these islands, which experts compare to a volatile volcano.

Nevertheless, there are still numerous individuals with a pleasant demeanor and an optimistic atmosphere.

It is possible that this is merely a coping mechanism, as the initial impressions may not always align with the actual situation.

While it is praiseworthy to emphasize pride and the good image associated with patriotism, it is equally vital to admit that these attributes can occasionally obscure the necessity of addressing safety

This includes tackling issues such as poverty, inequality, colorism, the hidden class system, and, as some individuals have pointed out, injustice.

Maybe you’re getting ready to touch down.

The local tourist board members are known for their strong responses to these warnings, and rightfully so, considering the stakes involved.

Unfortunately, if things don’t change, the laid-back atmosphere and variety of activities on these islands may just become a distant memory and a figment of one’s imagination after a 30-second commercial.

Fortunately, a lot of individuals still have choices in spite of the warnings. Many people will nevertheless take a closer look or land on these beaches based mostly on internal criteria like family, heritage, past memories, business, and brand loyalty.

While some travelers will continue to fly and/or dock at these well protected locations, others are at a crossroads, deciding whether to take the chance and travel to sunny areas.

Today, it seems that only individuals who have the means to invest in a private location can truly appreciate its beauty and the heightened sense of security it offers. What would those reviews reveal, if anything?

Today, some islands function with a governance that resembles a corporate entity, exacerbating the disparity between the affluent and the disadvantaged. These intricacies extend far beyond the tranquil shores.

Go beyond the crime statistics to uncover the underlying causes of the problems.

Given the ongoing evaluations and criticisms among political parties, there is always room for growth and self-reflection in order to strive for progress.

Even in the midst of a negative situation or a period of quiet and reserved silence, there is always the possibility for something positive to emerge.

According to reports, a large number of young people are having difficulty getting the resources they need to address a variety of difficulties, including mental health, substance misuse, and unemployment.

These challenges may potentially contribute to the ongoing violence epidemic. A significant number of individuals are graduating from educational institutions with a sense of despair, coupled with the burden of substantial student loan debt. 

Thus, gangs frequently exploit these communities’ vulnerabilities, providing a glimmer of hope at a high cost. Many have witnessed their young friends, classmates, parents, and neighbors falling prey to crime.

If these issues persist, the next generation may lose their optimism about finding a stable job and escaping poverty.

There is still a ray of optimism, though. Many are good young people, and some of those we’ve worked with have provided us with firsthand information. To turn the tide, all they need are opportunities, mentors, and an upward perspective.

Let us go for a walk on the beach or dance on a tightrope.

Instead of focusing on quick fixes, a more holistic approach is required. These communities cannot tackle these crimes in isolation, therefore it is crucial for them to support local law enforcement and advocate for the necessary resources.

The results of decades of leadership promises to reduce poverty and promote safety are unclear. Undoubtedly, tribal politics will reappear in the next election cycle.

If new measures works, they may rescue these gorgeous islands from poverty and crime and build on what is working, but many people believe strategies are simply to win votes and stay in power.

Possible Term Limit to generate fresh ideas?

Negative lists can have long-term effects. Businesses may cut investment and travel, hurting the middle and working classes and increasing unemployment.

Many financially-conscious travelers and expats returning today have concerns that go beyond just inflation. They might come across unexpected charges, additional taxes on small personal items, and the need to be more cautious when spending outside designated areas.

Because of growing global prices, many people are now paying the expenses of others who cannot afford their favorite brands, vacations, or evenings out.

Who gets caught in the waves?

This is not the time to say, “Look at them over there,” so let’s relax.

According to experts, in a region where a significant portion of the GDP depends on the entire landing package, selling only half of its image without attracting new businesses to the shores or manufacturing to generate much-needed jobs, these media storms are not a sustainable long-term strategy.

If these visitors cough or other nations cough, and you know you could catch a cold, consider wearing your country’s safety mask at all times.

A secure service sector and commerce are linked like a teacher to students, or like a river running through the hills and valleys. If it dries up, many more people will suffer.

Since the publication of the trip guide, it is time to examine which is more important: a prosperous economy that has the potential to benefit everyone or protected pre-paid zones where large numbers of visitors are whisked in and out for safety.

Though vital, how do you balance those at the gates, where ships land, yearning for a piece of the protected pie, with the various local items that keep these little settlements viable while remaining hidden, like a grilled back room?

More vendors than consumers often leave you conflicted, and picking who gets lucky today is like choosing which child eats first. If tourists restrict purchases of local items due to safety concerns, small marketplaces around the docks would suffer further.

Unfortunately, this list excludes these kind-hearted, always-ready helpers. They work hard to make a living. These islands must find a way to remove debris that went unreported and is generating congestion.

Despite the stunning sunsets and oceans, locals worry.

Jamaica still has one of the world’s highest murder rates, although recent data showing homicide rates have dropped and overall crime has grown.

Although real statistics cannot truly represent the feeling of safety and freedom to take a leisurely night stroll to a few areas or open your window to enjoy the fresh breeze, it is a positive step.

Given Nassau’s safety reputation, experts are surprised that 18 homicides have occurred since 2024.

Note: Recent news is worrisome and should wake up those paying attention.

The reality of rough tides.

Unfortunately, a lack of optimism, rising unemployment rates, division between the wealthy and less fortunate, and other longstanding challenges have created a situation where many people struggle to identify the place they once viewed as perfect, let alone feel secure in a world where safety is scarce.

Though it looks difficult on the surface, they must remain optimistic because behind it all are hardworking, dedicated individuals, some of whom now have more keys to their homes than windows.

These issues eventually transcend who holds positions of power; much like people who seek to bask in the warmth of the sun, it is a balancing act.

Fortunately, more people can now review the data to discern whether the vibes are still favorable or whether there is optimism or pessimism in the news clips.

You may need to openly recognize the islands that have performed better, collaborate more, and stop admiring their success from your lighthouse in order to learn from them. 

Today, connectivity is becoming more crucial, so embrace autonomy and collaboration.

History tends to repeat itself along several of these beaches.

Bob Marley fled Jamaica decades ago, alleging violence and threats to his life. His personal tale has emerged at a critical time, coinciding with contemporary regional issues in crime, politics, and economics.

Think about the film “One Love” by Bob Marley. It enables curious travelers to learn about this stunning nation, the highlights of its past, the influence of his music on a global scale, and the current conflicts.

It’s fascinating to see how history seems to repeat itself.

Think about how the COVID-19 pandemic affected these islands; it caused hardship, anxiety, and fear in a lot of the local families and businesses. 

These fears may worsen the situation for local businesses that are just recovering from the outbreak. They must also work with authorities and the community to reduce reported violence and improve neighborhood safety.

Young, middle-class, and working-class people must ask if they are safer, stronger, and progressing regardless of who is in power.

Why not try to make the safe list or get included if you were left off?
Why were you removed from the excellent list?

There will be another review, and you should succeed. The list goes beyond these surfaces, but you have time to correct it.

Good luck, and I’ll visit again soon!

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